Monday, July 19, 2010

New Stuff

Road Data
We have received the preliminary road data layer from LA DOTD. It needs some work, particularly with the private roads, but it has the most complete set of address ranges of any comprehensive road data set that we have so far.

ArcGIS 10
The Desktop ArcGIS 10 is installed, and is working well. The server version will be 10 as well. We are moving forward with the server hardware and software purchase.

Proposed 3-Year Budget
The budget of the GIS department will be presented Wednesday, July 21 to the GIS committee. The committee members will be asked to make financial commitments for 2011-2013.

Cooperative Endeavor Agreement
A draft document has been created, following the example of Lincoln Parish. Next step, consultation with parish attorneys with revisions expected. Hope to have it ready soon for committee review.

Return on Investment Training
I have been offered a seat at a two-day ROI training session, sponsored by the state GIS committee and the United States Geological Survey. This training will be free for the attendees due to the sponsorship. This training specifically addresses the cost/benefit analysis of GIS projects, especially cross-agency projects. I am looking forward to it.